Viitteet 21-30 / 291
Investigating if and how string teachers instruct and support the self-regulation of students’ practice in online lessons
Existing literature indicates that music teachers and educators working online need to encourage students to adopt self-regulating behaviors to succeed in their learning and performance. This study examines if and how ...
Composers’ Reflections on the Relevance of Artistic Doctoral Education in Finland : From Self-Development towards Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Creation
As Artistic Research (AR) is gaining momentum in academia and the movement has begun to affect the industry, in this qualitative study we ask how contemporary art music composers in Finland think of artistic doctoral ...
Mapping the cultural elements that support and inhibit music teachers’ sociomusical identities in Chile
Sociomusical identities determine the social positions of individuals based on traditions and historical backgrounds, deriving from the reciprocal interchange of cultural elements within social groups. This study aimed to ...
Plutarch’s Boat : On the spiritual sense of the scenic interruption
The article considers how the scene in the scenic presentation can constitute a twofold instance of interruption—not only as an intervening element within a performance but also as something that may interrupt it entirely—and ...
Wearing a Second Skin of Sound : Touching the Other through Sounding and Listening
Ihanasta metsästä äkäiseen mehiläisparveen : nykysoittotekniikoita sisältävän uuden pedagogisen musiikin säveltäminen
Artikkelin tehtävänä on pohtia, kuinka nykysoittotekniikoilla ja niiden notaatiolla voi kommunikoida vasta-alkajien kanssa, joilla yleensä ei ole kokemusta nykysoittotekniikoiden ilmaisusta ja nuotinnuksesta. Sävelsin ...
Capture and express, question and understand : Gloves in gestural electronic music performance
Gesture-based musical performance with on-body sensing represents a particular case of wearable connection. Gloves and hand-sensing interfaces connected to real-time digital sound production and transformation processes ...
Embodiment in composition : 4E theoretical considerations and empirical evidence from a case study
The purpose of this study was to theorise on a composer’s corporeality from the point of view of the embodied, enacted, embedded, and extended cognition paradigm, in the light of empirical data that cover the compositional ...
Using a music microanalysis protocol to enhance instrumental practice
The strategies that enable musicians to adapt their behaviors so that they can break through, feel energized, and perform well collectively distinguish what it is to be a self-regulated learner. These strategies range from ...
Soundtrapped? Socio-material perspectives on collaborative teaching within the music classroom
This article draws on a classroom project to explore the complexities of collaborative teaching within the music classroom, where a professional team collaborated to facilitate digital music-making at a lower secondary ...