The influence of teachers’ conceptions on their students’ learning : Children's understanding of sheet music
López-Íñiguez, Guadalupe; Pozo, Juan Ignacio (2014)
López-Íñiguez, Guadalupe
Pozo, Juan Ignacio
Wiley; British Psychological Society
This is the peer reviewed version of the article below, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. The current document is an author-produced PDF for parallel publishing without the publisher’s pagination and logotype (final draft; AAM, Author’s Accepted Manuscript). Citation information is: López-Íñiguez, G., & Pozo, J. I. (2014). The influence of teachers’ conceptions on their students’ learning: Children’s understanding of sheet music. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(2), 311-328.