IN-AUDITO : an overview on finnish bass clarinet music through a performer’s analysis of five personal commissions
Molinos, Angel (2023)
Molinos, Angel
Tohtoritutkinto. Taiteilijakoulutus
EST-julkaisusarja 77
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Even though the first bass clarinet prototypes go back to the second half of the eighteenth century, the history of the bass clarinet as a solo instrument is still relatively short. During its process of emancipation from merely orchestral use, the bass clarinet has proved to be a versatile voice that responds well to challenges presented by composers. Due to its youthfulness, contemporary music is where the instrument has found a place to develop its full potential and versatility: an ever-growing repertoire which is not always easy to keep track of.
From all that repertoire, this thesis analyses music coming from Finland and complements a doctoral series of five large-scale recitals (2012–2021) in which I have explored the artistic possibilities of the bass clarinet as seen over the last four decades. Each concert in the series reflected a specific topic, approached from many different angles in order to provide as broad a picture as possible of the modern bass clarinet.
By examining how the bass clarinet has been used by Finnish composers outside of an orchestral context, the thesis strives to make this repertoire better known and more accessible to potentially interested bass clarinettists beyond Finland’s borders. It is divided into two sections, the first of which provides the reader with the needed framework to contextualise the actual study on Finnish bass clarinet music, featured in the second part of the thesis. This analysis of music by Finnish composers in the second section is based on my own experience as a performer and covers a total of 94 pieces by 47 composers, among which are five pieces I commissioned and premiered during my doctoral concert series. The five new works serve as the basis upon which the whole project is built.
This thesis presents an important body of bass clarinet music coming from Finland, encompassing 81 years of bass clarinet writing and including an interesting variety of approaches towards the instrument—from the very first work documented (Mesikämmen for bass clarinet and piano, by Matti Rajula, from 1940) to the most recent piece (Rimbalzi for bass clarinet and percussion, by Lotta Wennäkoski, from 2021).
From all that repertoire, this thesis analyses music coming from Finland and complements a doctoral series of five large-scale recitals (2012–2021) in which I have explored the artistic possibilities of the bass clarinet as seen over the last four decades. Each concert in the series reflected a specific topic, approached from many different angles in order to provide as broad a picture as possible of the modern bass clarinet.
By examining how the bass clarinet has been used by Finnish composers outside of an orchestral context, the thesis strives to make this repertoire better known and more accessible to potentially interested bass clarinettists beyond Finland’s borders. It is divided into two sections, the first of which provides the reader with the needed framework to contextualise the actual study on Finnish bass clarinet music, featured in the second part of the thesis. This analysis of music by Finnish composers in the second section is based on my own experience as a performer and covers a total of 94 pieces by 47 composers, among which are five pieces I commissioned and premiered during my doctoral concert series. The five new works serve as the basis upon which the whole project is built.
This thesis presents an important body of bass clarinet music coming from Finland, encompassing 81 years of bass clarinet writing and including an interesting variety of approaches towards the instrument—from the very first work documented (Mesikämmen for bass clarinet and piano, by Matti Rajula, from 1940) to the most recent piece (Rimbalzi for bass clarinet and percussion, by Lotta Wennäkoski, from 2021).
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