Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa Rinnakkaistallennetut julkaisut
Viitteet 190-209 / 326
Observations on Harmony, Voice-leading, and "Idea" in Schoenberg's Piano Piece Op. 11 No. 1
(Leuven University Press, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThis analysis of Schoenberg’s Op. 11 No. 1 demonstrates ways in which two register-sensitive principles of harmony and voice-leading shed new light on its pitch organization. The 11-vs-1 principle posits a distinction ... -
On Processing the Texts in The Air Journey
(Routledge, 2022)
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On The Search for a More Sustainable Stage : Mapping the Perspectives of a Performance Designer
(Aalto-yliopisto, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis article outlines the concept of performance design, dealing with the transformative work of performance designers and exploring it through contemporary concepts and artistic means. The article considers where the ... -
On unconditional hos(ti)pitality : thinking-doing strategies for dis/abling arts education
lehtiartikkeliHospitality and diplomacy are understood as universal hosting parameters. However, they fail to address non-neurotypical perception, jeopardising the inclusiveness of arts education environments. By bringing hospitality, ... -
On “Contemporaneity” in Ballet and Contemporary Dance : Jeux in 1913 and 2016
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
kirjan osaDanced histories are not linear but circular, as dancing bodies return and reinterpret past dances. Theorizing the import of contemporaneity as an evaluative notion, this chapter examines a practice-based research ... -
Oopperasäveltäjäksi oppimassa : Opera by You -verkkoyhteisö musiikillisen asiantuntijuuden kasvualustana
(Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura, 2013)
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Orkesteriohjelmisto Pietarin konservatorion kapellimestarikoulutuksessa 1979–2019
(Suomen Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan tutkimuksen seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Pietarin (Leningradin) konservatorion kapellimestarikoulutuksessa vuosina 1979–2019 käytettyä orkesteriohjelmistoa konservatorion suomalaisalumnien kokemusten pohjalta. Tutkimuksen aineistona ... -
Osallistuminen taiteeseen ja kulttuuriin : elinikäinen oikeus vai velvollisuus?
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Ota silmä käteen ja katso. Luotauksia syvyysnäköön ja silmien väliseen tietoon
(Tutkijaliitto, 2017)
lehtiartikkeliTässä kirjoituksessa yritän katsoa syvyyttä silmästä silmään. Vaikka nähtyä ei sellaisenaan voi esittää, väitän että kuvaamalla tai kuvien välityksellä on mahdollista jäljittää syvyyden kokemuksen kaltaisia näköilmiöitä. ... -
Outside the rules, outside the boundaries
(Amsterdam University Press, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThe following contribution is a written account of Jaana Erkkila-Hill’s keynote lecture at the FORUM+ symposium The art school as an ecosystem: Future perspectives on higher arts education, co-organised with ARIA during ... -
Patterns of variation in sociomusical identity of school-goers in a condition of social vulnerability and musical gaps in their education
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliSociomusical identity pursues integrative goals, as it establishes bridges between musical identities from a perspective based on transculturation and post-ethnicity. The current study aims to observe the influence of ... -
Pedagogical Fundamentalism versus Radical Pedagogy in Music
(Oxford University Press, 2017)
kirjan osaDue to the increasing media influence in society, the systematic development of media literacy in music education is a matter of the utmost importance. This chapter engages in an exploration of the role of the school in ... -
Pedagogical Tact in Music Education in the Paediatric Ward : The Potential of Embodiment for Music Educators’ Pedagogical Interaction
NMH Publications : 6 (Norwegian Academy of Music, 2020)
kirjan osaThis article aims to contribute to the current theoretical and practical understanding of music educators’ pedagogical tact through a theoretical lens of embodiment within a children’s hospital. Embodied pedagogical tact ... -
Performing landscape : live and alive
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Performing time through place
(DREX Project, Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre Univ Tampere, 2012)
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Performing with trees as shifting attention
(Routledge, 2023)
kirjan osaPerforming with plants might seem peripheral to the core concerns of visual, performance, or media art. Due to the climate crisis and the debates regarding post-humanities, this marginal interest in vegetation, and especially ... -
Pi-Shaker : A New Workflow for Augmented Instruments
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (International Computer Music Association, 2021)
kirjan osaWe present a project that explores the application of efficient digital signal processing techniques for interactive music applications across a range of devices and platforms, focusing on visual programming. As a test ... -
Play and Pay : The Ill-Starred Project of the Municipal Tax on Musical Instruments in Prague, 1910–1913
(Bern Open Publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliUtilising archival documents and the press, this article scrutinises aspects of the connections between local government, taxation and domestic music in Prague, 1910–1913; of all the European tax initiatives on musical ... -
Plutarch’s Boat : On the spiritual sense of the scenic interruption
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe article considers how the scene in the scenic presentation can constitute a twofold instance of interruption—not only as an intervening element within a performance but also as something that may interrupt it entirely—and ... -
Ponderings with breathing/breathing with ponderings
(Intellect, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThe article is a document of artistic research insofar as it invents forms of thinking-in-writing-with-breathing. In addition to that, the article gives insights on breathing’s potential for expanded choreographic practice ...