Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Rinnakkaistallennetut julkaisut
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Historical materiality of performance : On the costumes of The Rite of Spring (1913)
(Intellect, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliBy focusing on surviving costumes of the 1913 production of The Rite of Spring, this article asks how a close examination of costumes and their role in historical performance practice can change our understanding of a ... -
The World of Art in the Russian World : Post-Soviet Rewritings of Russian Ballet
(Bloomsbury, 2024)
kirjan osaThis chapter explores how two ballets, Swan Lake and The Rite of Spring, have figured in representations of Russia – whether in the Imperial, Soviet, or Post-Soviet contexts. Although definitions of what counts as aesthetically ... -
Venäläinen kapellimestaripedagogiikka Suomessa
(Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan tutkimuksen seura ry, 2023)