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    • Identifying Songs from their Piano-Driven Opening Chords 

      Jimenez, Ivan; Kuusi, Tuire; Czedik-Eysenberg, Isabella; Reuter, Christoph (SAGE, 2021)
      It is currently believed that timbre plays a primary role in the identification of songs from very brief excerpts of music. However, its specific contribution, and those of other characteristics of the music, remain unclear. ...
    • Modality vs. Chordal Harmony : Hybrid Aspects of Rebetiko During the Interwar Period 

      Delegos, Spiros (Hellenic Musicological Society, 2021)
      This paper addresses the contribution of modality, chordal harmony and the relationship between them to the formulation of ‘Rebetiko’ –a musical genre of Greek Urban Popular Music– during the interwar period. The aim of ...
    • The effect of chord duration on the relative salience of chord-type and voicing changes 

      Jimenez, Ivan; Kuusi, Tuire; Ojala, Juha; Harrison, Peter (Sage, 2024)
      This study investigates the effect of chord duration on the relative salience of chord-type and voicing changes. Participants (N = 111) with varying levels of musical training were presented with sequences of five block ...
    • Veridical and Schematic Memory for Harmony in Melody-and-Accompaniment Textures 

      Jimenez, Ivan; Kuusi, Tuire; Ojala, Juha (University of California press, 2022)
      We studied memory for harmony using a melody-and-accompaniment texture and 10 commercially successful songs of Western popular music. The harmony was presented as a timbrally matching block-chord accompaniment to digitally ...