Viitteet 41-50 / 121
From Bohemia to the Balkans : Towards a Socioeconomic History of Itinerant Women Musicians, 1860–1889
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
In recent years, there has been an upsurge of academic publications on the history of women’s work in music. They have, however, remained concentrated on so-called Western art music. In this article, I challenge this ...
Adorno’s Ideas on Stravinsky’s Neoclassicism Meet the Pianist’s Work : Reflecting Playing Experience with Adorno’s Key Concepts
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
Theodor W. Adorno’s ideas on jazz and Igor Stravinsky’s neoclassicism (1936; 1949; 1963) are notorious for their strident criticism, pathologizing metaphors and prejudicial language. What has been overlooked, however, is ...
IIOO IS NOT HERE : Building and exhibiting media art installation with novel modular tangible programming interface
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
The installation IIOO IS NOT HERE deals human-machine relations and interfaces. It takes a critical standpoint to subject-object relation and questions of control and elaborates N. Katherine Hayles’ concept of cognitive ...
Engaging Practitioners as Inquirers : Co-constructing Visions for Music Teacher Education in Nepal
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
This chapter explores how co-constructing visions might engage teachers as inquirers in a ‘majority world’ context by reflecting on a series of 16 Appreciative Inquiry workshops involving over 50 musician-teachers in the ...
Ainedidaktiikka musiikinopettajakoulutuksessa
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan musiikin didaktiikan opettamiseen liittyviä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä ja haasteita sekä luodaan lyhyt katsaus opetuksen lähihistoriaan. Lisäksi tekstissä tarkastelleen didaktiikkaa käsitteenä sekä ...
“Where the Social Stigma Has Been Overcome” : The Politics of Professional Legitimation in Nepali Music Education
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
This chapter explores the actions musician-teachers in the extremely diverse and complex context of the Kathmandu Valley imagine that might hold potential for contesting and altering processes of marginalisation and ...
Musicological and Ethnomusicological Perspectives
kirjan osa
kirjan osa
Popular music and religion are in a doubly challenged position as an amalgamated subject area of academic enquiry. On the one hand, the reactionary conventions of music education prevail, whereby music tends to be conceived ...