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A diary on slowness at Örö Fortress Island
Trento, Francisco B. (2021)
lehtiartikkeliThis exposition emerges from the field notes diary of the researcher during their stay in the Ores residency program at Örö Fortress Island. Örö, previously a military fortress, dates from the Russian Empire era and it was ... -
An Inquiry on Post-linguistic Subjects in Twin Peaks : The Return
Trento, Francisco B. (Filmiverkko, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliIn the long-awaited third season of Twin Peaks (ABC, 1990-1991; Showtime, 2017), the audience was introduced to Dougie Jones, a tulpa of FBI Agent Dale Cooper, the series’ main character. In the series, a tulpa is a fictional ... -
Crip teleportation : the animal that therefore I am - or I am not
Trento, Francisco B. (2020)
lehtiartikkeliThis paper examines how disabled body-minds are discursively dehumanized or superhumanized. It draws on Critical Disability Studies and the Crip Studies scholarship and focuses on invisible mental disabilities, mainly those ... -
On unconditional hos(ti)pitality : thinking-doing strategies for dis/abling arts education
Trento, Francisco B. (2021)
lehtiartikkeliHospitality and diplomacy are understood as universal hosting parameters. However, they fail to address non-neurotypical perception, jeopardising the inclusiveness of arts education environments. By bringing hospitality, ... -
Protocols for a procedural space for failing
Trento, Francisco B. (2020)
lehtiartikkeliThis article presents a glossary of protocols for dis(abling) artistic research in academic institutions to activate a forum for institutional critique. It focuses on crafting spaces that foreground non-ableist modes of ... -
Queering the ghosts of typicality : the disruptive potential of Fabian Ludueña's philosophy
Trento, Francisco B. (2020)
lehtiartikkeliAccording to the philosopher Fabián Ludueña, before biopolitics, Rome and Greece put in motion the zoopolitics of an Anthropotechnical machine. The practice of expositio is the foundational zoopolitical human gesture. It ...