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Viitteet 56-75 / 431
Castles versus Cheerleaders: The Clash of Old and New Power Values and Their Effect on the Role of the Conductor
(MIT Press, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliAll forms of leadership are currently undergoing change, as digitalization, democratization, and increased transparency have led to a shift in social values and a realignment of influence disassociated from power. Power ... -
Children as collaborators in music schools : Locating student voice in professional landscapes
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaAlthough collaboration has dominated much of the educational discourse since the beginning of the twenty-first century, collaborative work is often undertaken for central stakeholders rather than with them. Despite efforts ... -
Choreographic Aftermath
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaHere the four editors talk about co-authoring the epilogue and what it should consist of. -
Choreographing Histories : Critical Perspectives on Dance Histories in Nordic Dance Practices and Scholarship
(Senter for dansepraksis, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis text is based on a roundtable organised by the five authors at the 2022 NOFOD conference in Copenhagen. As scholars and practitioners invested in the research and teaching of dance history both inside and outside ... -
Choreographing in VR : Introducing ‘Substitute Performers’ as Informants in the Choreographic Process
(ACM, 2024)
kirjan osaThis paper is situated at the intersection of digital choreography and human-centered interaction within the scope of virtual reality. Both disciplines are discussed under the frame of contemporary artistic practice, an ... -
Choreographing the disabled spectator : Disrupting audience expectations in Dancer and rampa landscape
(Intellect, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliRepresentation of ‘differing bodyminds’ in dance has expanded how dancing bodies are imagined. Examining two performances in Helsinki, Finland, Dancer and rampa landscape: lazy, late, absent through collaborative autoethnography ... -
Classroom-Integrated Movement and Music Interventions and Children’s Ability to Recognize Social Interaction Based on Body Motion
(MDPI, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliMusic and movement activities have been found to be beneficial for learning in childhood. The current study was part of the Arts@School project examining the effect of classroom-integrated arts-based interventions (music, ... -
Coda: Speculative Conversation (a Poetic Inquiry)
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osa -
Cognition and Music Performance
McPherson, Gary Edward (toim.); Casanova, Oscar (toim.); Zarza-Alzugaray, Francisco Javier (toim.); López-Íñiguez, Guadalupe (toim.); Herrero, Laura (toim.) (Frontiers, 2022)
kausijulkaisu -
Collaboration Between an Artist and a Researcher in the Field of Laments in Finland
Grazer Beiträge zur Ethnomusikologie / Graz Studies in Ethnomusicology : 29 (Shaker Verlag, 2024)
kirjan osaThe authors – folklorist Viliina Silvonen, PhD and professional folk musician Emmi Kuittinen, M.Mum – have been collaborating in the field of laments in contemporary Finland. Artist-researcher collaborations form new ... -
Collaborative Live Composition with Frankie
(Northeastern University, 2023)
kirjan osaThis paper describes a web application being developed for the purpose of collaborative live composition. In this concept, musical information such as pitch sets, chord progressions and textual parameters can be created ... -
Comedy Ballet as Social Commentary : Till Eulenspiegel (1916)
lehtiartikkeliIn 1916, during the American tours of the Ballets Russes company, Vaslav Nijinsky created a choreography to Richard Strauss's tone poem Till Eulenspiegels lustische Streiche, nach alter Schelmenweise, in Rondo Form ... -
Common Chord Progressions and Feelings of Remembering
lehtiartikkeliAlthough Western tonal syntax can generate a very large number of chord successions of various lengths and degrees of complexity, some types of music, from Renaissance dances to recent pop, tend to rely more heavily on the ... -
Composers’ Reflections on the Relevance of Artistic Doctoral Education in Finland : From Self-Development towards Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Creation
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliAs Artistic Research (AR) is gaining momentum in academia and the movement has begun to affect the industry, in this qualitative study we ask how contemporary art music composers in Finland think of artistic doctoral ... -
Connecting Chord Progressions with Specific Pieces of Music
lehtiartikkeliMusicians can conceptualize harmony in terms of its connection to specific pieces of music. However, research appears to indicate that harmony plays a relatively unimportant role in music identification tasks. The present ... -
Considering the ontological premises for tools in artists’ education - on poiesis and composition
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee ‘työkalujen’ ongelmallisuutta taiteilijan koulutuksessa, erityisesti MA tason koreografian opetuksessa. Aihe on osoittautunut oleellisen tärkeäksi moninaisten ja heterogeenisten esteettisten tavoitteiden ... -
Contemporary clarinet repertoire from Finland and the United States : new ways of artistic expression and a study of sociocultural differences
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis doctoral research project examined artistic and sociocultural aspects of Finnish and American contemporary music performance practice in repertoire for clarinet. The main themes that emerged from this research were ... -
Contemporary composers’ changing “practice in context” : What can higher music education learn from Theodore Schatzki’s practice theory?
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliWhile musical practice is more often than not considered through musical repertoires, genres, and traditions, in higher music education, musical practices are further narrowed down to music profession-specific, craft-based ... -
Continuous Exposition in Mozart's Slow Chamber-Music Movements
(Wiley, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe literature on continuous exposition is characterised by two features: (1) concentration on the music of Haydn and (2) the examination of fast movements. This essay deviates from these starting points by examining ... -
Correlating Symbolisms of Womanhood and Marriage in the Libretti of Schoenberg's Von heute auf morgen and Berg's Lulu
(Akadémiai Kiadó, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliVon heute auf morgen and Lulu, the twelve-tone operas of Arnold Schoenberg and Alban Berg, respectively, can be interpreted as works that sought to uphold a traditional formalism of Germanic opera construction amidst the ...