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Viitteet 210-229 / 326
Practical Applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook : 6 (Norwegian Academy of Music, 2002)
lehtiartikkeliThis paper examines Dalcroze applications in the field of music education. There are as many variations in the teaching of Dalcroze Eurhythmics as there are teachers. Even so, there are also many commonly shared aspects. ... -
Producing a meaningful difference : The significance of small creative acts in composing within online participatory remix practices
(Intellect, 2015)
lehtiartikkeliOnline remix competitions focus strongly on community interaction, creative production and sharing, and can be seen as manifestations of an emergent musical participatory culture within which participants collectively ... -
Professional education toward protean careers in music? Bigenerational Finnish composers’ pathways and livelihoods in changing ecosystems
(SAGE, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliContemporary professional landscapes in classical music fields are rapidly changing and younger generations of musicians are confronting their creative careers, more often than not in connection to self-employment and ... -
Professional entanglements : A qualitative systematic review of healthcare musicians’ work in somatic hospital wards
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliIntroduction: The purpose of this review is to explore research literature beyond music therapy and music medicine studies that addresses healthcare musicians’ work in hospitals. Music-related and intersectoral collaboration ... -
Promoting a musical lifecourse towards sustainable ageing : A call for policy congruence
(Intellect, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliToday, individually perceived quality of life for a growing ageing population could be said to be significantly dependent on meaningful life experiences, social connectedness and a sense of purpose. In this article, we ... -
Promoting interconnections between reflective practice and collective creativity in higher arts education : the potential of engaging with a reflective matrix
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliReflective practice has long been understood to be integral to the arts, but has predominantly been conceptualised in terms of tacit or individual activity. Identifying the need to reimagine and deepen reflective practice ... -
Protocols for a procedural space for failing
lehtiartikkeliThis article presents a glossary of protocols for dis(abling) artistic research in academic institutions to activate a forum for institutional critique. It focuses on crafting spaces that foreground non-ableist modes of ... -
Publishing and Studying Historical Opera and Music Theatre Performances on the Semantic Web: Case OperaSampo 1830–1960
CEUR workshop proceedings : 3540 (RWTH Aachen University, 2023)
kirjan osaThe OperaSampo is a Linked Open Data (LOD) service and semantic portal for searching, browsing, and analyzing information related to opera and music theatre performances performed in Finland during 1830–1960. The key data ... -
Queering the ghosts of typicality : the disruptive potential of Fabian Ludueña's philosophy
lehtiartikkeliAccording to the philosopher Fabián Ludueña, before biopolitics, Rome and Greece put in motion the zoopolitics of an Anthropotechnical machine. The practice of expositio is the foundational zoopolitical human gesture. It ... -
Raja- ja aunuksenkarjalaisen kanteleimprovisaation ylirajaiset muodot pitkällä 1800-luvulla ja perinteen uudistunut jatkumo 2000-luvulla
Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja : 102 (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2023)
kirjan osaKantelemusiikki ja sen sisällä tapahtuva improvisaatio olivat tärkeä osa itämerensuomalaista runolaulukulttuuria vuosisatojen ajan jatkuen aktiivisena perinteenä Karjalan syrjäseuduilla 1900-luvun alkuun saakka. -- -
Rakas mänty, tervehdys mänty, päivää mänty : Puhetta puille taiteen kontekstissa
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTässä tekstissä lähtökohtani on kirjoittamisen ja puhumisen suhde, kirjoitetun lukeminen ja puhutun litteroiminen tekstiksi mediataiteen ja taiteellisen tutkimuksen kontekstissa, videoteosten yhteydessä. -
Re-conceptualizing music education in the older adult life course : A qualitative meta-synthesis
(Whioce Publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThe Seoul Agenda by UNESCO has set goals to develop arts education, ensuring that learners from all social backgrounds have lifelong access to arts education in a wide range of community and institutional settings. However, ... -
Re-thinking inspiration as in-betweens in arts-integrated literacy practices
(Elsevier, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliInspiration is a widely used concept in everyday speech, and it is used especially when people talk about what they do in their creative processes. This article presents a re-thinking of the notion of inspiration through ... -
Reclaiming Subjectivity through Urban Space Intervention : The People’s Architecture Helsinki
(Intellect, 2022)
kirjan osa -
Regulation of Emotions to Optimize Classical Music Performance : A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Cellist-Researcher
(Frontiers, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThe situational context within which an activity takes place, as well as the personality characteristics of individuals shape the types of strategies people choose in order to regulate their emotions, especially when ... -
Relative salience of chord-type and chord-voicing changes : A two-oddball paradigm
(SAGE, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliOur research project investigated the effect of background and stimuli factors on the relative salience of chord-type and chord-voicing changes. Earlier studies have shown that surface features tend to be easier to perceive ... -
Reparatory Design : Sustainable Ecologies of Embodied Practices, Vulnerable Knowledge, and Resilient Methodologies in Barcelona
(Valiz Foundation, 2023)
kirjan osaThe ecological crisis we are all globally experiencing is almost indescribable. It touches all the aspects of our survival and has exposed us to the fragility and fracturability of our world. Through their practices, artists ... -
Researching dance education post-2016: the global implications of Brexit and Trump on dance education
Research in Dance Education (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
lehtiartikkeliThe results of the 2016 British referendum on membership of the European Union and the presidential election in the United States of America initiated political changes that will arguably have resounding impacts, within ... -
Residuos, restos y vestigios en el diseño y el arte
(Bau, Centro Universitario de Diseño, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliEl diseño, como campo multidisciplinar, se enfrenta a un reto cada vez mayor dado su papel en la producción de sobras, residuos, restos y vestigios. Tanto la industrialización como la fabricación en la industria del diseño ... -
Rethinking, Re-storying, and Reclaiming Narratives of Aging in Music Education Research
(Southern Illinois University, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, I address the contemporary discussion of later-life courses in music education research and how it might perpetuate the discrimination and stereotyping of older adults. Drawing from the sociology of aging, ...