Viitteet 1-14 / 14
Aivomusiikkilaboratorio interaktiivisena kokemuksena : esityksellisen ihmiskokeen taustoja ja tutkimustuloksia
opinnäyte (maisteri)Tämä kirjallinen työ perustuu opinnäytetyöni taiteelliseen osioon, aivomusiikkilaboratorioon, jonka esitykselliset ihmiskokeet järjestettiin Teatterikorkeakoulussa syksyllä 2009. Käsittelen tässä tekstissä Aivomusiikkilaboratorion ... -
Approaching nakedness and its problematics : a 1-1 (one with one) performance about being naked in an intimate platonic way
opinnäyte (maisteri)Nakedness can mean not wearing any clothes but it could also mean not having your socks on. I see nakedness as a social construct that can shift meanings depending on the context, the culture and the subject(s) being or ... -
"Becoming" through artistic immersion : the Bayanihan in Helsinki
opinnäyte (maisteri)Migrant Filipinos are neither here nor there. It is from this blurry position where I drew inspiration for my research. Migration is more than just a physical movement; it also involves the creation and recreation of spaces ... -
Comic trans : presenting and representing the other in stand-up comedy
opinnäyte (maisteri)This thesis is a companion to my artistic work in stand-up comedy, comprising artistic-based research and approaches comedy from a performance studies perspective. The question addressed in the paper and the work is "How ... -
East by northeast : or performing the (mega)city : movement of a body through transportation networks
opinnäyte (maisteri)This thesis deals mainly with my final artistic research work East by Northeast which was conducted across two continents, took several months and involved dozens of people. The project consists of photos, videos, audios, ... -
Ihminen välissä : ehdotus uutistoimittajan uudeksi työksi
opinnäyte (maisteri)Opinnäytteessäni käsittelen uutistoimittajan ammatti-identiteettiä ja ammattietiikkaa esitystaiteen ja esitystutkimuksen kontekstissa. Työ pohjautuu ensi sijassa omiin kokemuksiini uutistoimittajana. Tutkielma sijoittuu ... -
Imagining Some Space
opinnäyte (maisteri)Some texts and a performance story. All motivated by the author’s interest in space, in this that surrounds, and that interest, in turn, originating from the author’s earlier studies in cultural anthropology, in observing ... -
Kokemuksellisen ekologian harjoituksia esityksissä Pelto – ankara moraliteetti ja Studio 5
opinnäyte (maisteri)Teatterikorkeakoulun opinnäytteeni taiteellinen osa koostuu kahdesta erillisestä, vuonna 2005 toteutetusta teoksesta: Pelto – ankara moraliteetti ja Studio 5. Pelto – ankara moraliteetti -esitykseen kuului kaksi osaa, ... -
Liikutuksen tiloja : kohtauksia osallistavasta esitystaiteesta, tanssista ja ekologiasta
opinnäyte (maisteri)Liikutuksen Tiloja on kokoelma tekstejä vuosilta 2006-2009 jotka käyvät läpi esitystaiteellisen ajatteluni kehitystä tältä ajalta. Se kuvaa kolmea taiteellista työtäni, alkaen Trio A rekonstruktio prosessista ja siitä ... -
Mapping the body, embodying the map : a corporeal taxonomy into a topographical transformation at the border of Nicosia
opinnäyte (maisteri)Mapping the Body, Embodying the Map: A corporeal taxonomy into a topographical transformation at the border of Nicosia is a project realized along and across the buffer zone within the Venetian walls of Nicosia, the capital ... -
"Oops!" in public space : lapse as tool for social and political organization
opinnäyte (maisteri)Oops! Sorry, later just Oops! was a group practice of micro-events and animation for 4 persons that took place in 2009 in the public spaces of Helsinki. It was also staged as a performance production and presented at the ... -
Performing hatred : or hate speech as a performance
opinnäyte (maisteri)This thesis analyzes hate speech from a performance studies perspective. The theoretical aim is not to justify hate speech, but rather to deconstruct it and discuss hate speech asa performance, and how it can be performed ... -
Poetic encounter : a hermeneutic journey into the microprocesses of performance art
opinnäyte (maisteri)This scientific work concentrates on the question: How do relations between elements have to be set up so that a poetic encounter in public urban space can emerge? This thesis is based on two practical research projects ... -
Spin-Fold-Spill : a textual investigation about role-play, narrative, and fictitious truths
opinnäyte (maisteri)Spin-Fold-Spill is a solo performance, installation and written thesis that explores the Role-System, a system of roles that represents parts of a personality. The performance and installation took place during May 2011. ...