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A Cosmopolitan Music City : Early Twentieth-Century Transnational Networks in Vyborg
(Routledge, 2022)
kirjan osaTraditionally, early twentieth-century Vyborg has been known for its vibrant cosmopolitanism and bustling cultural life. The city's ethnic, religious, and culturally diverse population, its geographical position as a border ... -
A critical appraisal of research in arts, health and wellbeing
Frontiers Research Topics (Frontiers, 2023)
kirjaThe field of ‘Arts, Health and Wellbeing,’ has witnessed a remarkable growth of interest over the last 20 years. Seminal work has been produced from the beginning of the millennium, which has led to the emergence of the ... -
A Descriptive Diagnosis or a Causal Explanation? Accuracy of Depictions of Depression on Authoritative Health Organization Websites
(Karger Publishers, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliIntroduction: Psychiatric diagnoses are descriptive in nature, but the lay public commonly misconceives them as causal explanations. It is not known whether this logical error, a form of circular reasoning, can sometimes ... -
A diary on slowness at Örö Fortress Island
lehtiartikkeliThis exposition emerges from the field notes diary of the researcher during their stay in the Ores residency program at Örö Fortress Island. Örö, previously a military fortress, dates from the Russian Empire era and it was ... -
A Foretaste of Heaven : Musical Teleology in Mozart's Ave verum corpus, K618
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliIn June 1791, having composed almost no church music for ten years, Mozart wrote the short motet Ave verum corpus, k618, a setting of the Latin medieval eucharist hymn. The theological teleology in the text introduces a ... -
A lifespan perspective on multi-professional musicians : does music education prepare classical musicians for their careers?
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliMany professional musicians would describe their careers as somewhat different to the careers they imagined when they were students. This study sought to understand the relationships between musicians’ higher music education ... -
A Modal Heterotopia : Rethinking Makam Modality and Chordal Harmony in Interwar Rebetiko
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis article revisits the concepts of makam modality and chordal harmony, and argues for viewing interwar rebetiko as a musico-cultural amalgamation. I explore the transcendence of the theoretical incompatibility beyond ... -
A Phenomenological Actor
(University of Alberta, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, I will open my artistic research process from the phenomenological point of view, by aiming at identifying its phenomenological aspects and potential. My presentation will proceed as a series of practical ... -
A Qualitative Investigation of Binaural Spatial Music in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the sound and music computing conferences (Sound and Music Computing Association, 2023)
kirjan osaVirtual reality (VR) games and applications strive to create as believable an illusion of “being there” in the virtual environment as possible. This implies fidelity in all aspects of technical reproduction, including the ... -
A Shifting Swarm of Vocalities : An Assemblage Approach to PA Systems and Morning Assemblies in Finnish Primary Schools (1930s–1980s)
(De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023)
kirjan osaThis chapter studies the history and uses of central public address (PA) systems in Finnish primary schools, which gradually became the norm from the 1930s onwards. They could be used to broadcast live or recorded speech, ... -
Abstraction as Material Translation : An Artistic Reflection of (Re)Presentation
Routledge Research in Aesthetics (Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaIn this chapter we put the work of Finnish conceptual and environmental artist, Lauri Anttila (1938–2022), in dialogue with discussions of the practices of scientific and mathematical representation. We are interested in ... -
Acoustic Communities Represented: Sound preferences in the Scottish village of Dollar
kirjan osaSound Preference Tests were applied at Strathdevon Primary School in the Scottish village of Dollar to study the preferences on the everyday sound and local sonic environments. The study draws on theory of acoustic ... -
Activism within music education : working towards inclusion and policy change in the Finnish music school context
lehtiartikkeliThis study examines how interactions between policy, institutions and individuals that reinforce inclusive music education can be framed from an activist standpoint. Resonaari, one among many music schools in Finland, ... -
Addressing gender inequality in and through music composing studies
(NOASP Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliComposing remains a male-dominated field within the domain of Western art music. Through analysis of two case studies of composing education schemes in Finland (Equity in Composing/Yhdenvertaisesti säveltäen), and England ... -
Adorno’s Ideas on Stravinsky’s Neoclassicism Meet the Pianist’s Work : Reflecting Playing Experience with Adorno’s Key Concepts
Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress : 24 (Springer, 2022)
kirjan osaTheodor W. Adorno’s ideas on jazz and Igor Stravinsky’s neoclassicism (1936; 1949; 1963) are notorious for their strident criticism, pathologizing metaphors and prejudicial language. What has been overlooked, however, is ... -
Aesthetic Contrasts and Symbolic Correlations between Alban Berg and Erwin Schulhoff in their Letters and Opera Narratives
(Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliA selection of the correspondence between composers Alban Berg and Erwin Schulhoff is translated and analysed for the first time in English in this study. The aim is to demonstrate the opposing views these two contemporaries ... -
Afterword : Present and future prospects of collaborative professionalism in music schools
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaIn this final chapter, the editors reflect on how instances of collaborative professionalism have contributed to new practices in music schools and how such processes might bring about more transformative change in the ... -
AI is a Trojan Horse : A Rationale
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE, 2024)
kirjan osaMainstream media report that governments and business leaders see AI as an "extinction-level threat" to humans. In posthumanism, we find, besides conceptional tools for thinking technology in an indeterministic way, also ... -
Aikido’s Spirituality and Transplantation in the Nordic Countries : Spirituality in the Asian Martials Art
Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)
kirjan osaThe chapter discusses how four senior Nordic aikidoka view Aikido’s history in the Nordic countries, Aikido’s relationship to religion and spirituality, and how Aikido has transformed in a new context. Aikido activities ...