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Viitteet 110-129 / 326
Gender equality discourse in classical music higher education : Women, individualisation, and change
(SAGE, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis article takes its’ starting point in the ongoing debate about gender and gender equality in higher music education (HME) institutions where new policies, projects and initiatives have been developed during the first ... -
Generative Art: Between the Nodes of Neuron Networks
lehtiartikkeliThis article uses the exhibition “Infinite Skulls”, which happened in Paris in the beginning of 2019, as a starting point to discuss art created by artificial intelligence and, by extension, unique pieces of art generated ... -
Germany as a Cultural Paragon. Transferring Modern Musical Life from Central Europe to Finland
(Leuven University Press, 2017)
kirjan osaFrom the customary point of view, the two decades before and after the turn of the 20th century form the era when the national music culture of Finland was born. During these years, the first symphony orchestra (1882), the ... -
"Great Horizons Flooded with the Alien Light of the Sun" : Le Sacre du Printemps in the Russian context
lehtiartikkeliEven a century after the premiere of Le Sacre du Printemps, Russian contemporary sources offer a wealth of material on the Ballets Russes and particularly on Nijinsky's 1913 choreography that are rarely read and never ... -
Health and Well-Being of Church Musicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic : Experiences of Health and Work-Related Distress from Musicians of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland
(MDPI, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliEarlier research has revealed contrasting gender results in standardized mortality ratios (SMR) for cancers and cardiovascular diseases of Finnish church musicians compared with the general population. In order to better ... -
Healthcare musicians and musico-emotional work : An in-depth case study within the context of end-of-life care
(Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe purpose of this in-depth case study is to explore the work of musicians in end-of-life care. In this study, a healthcare musician is considered to be a professional who has both an academic degree in music and in-service ... -
Helpommin nähty kuin sanottu? Pohdintoja kuvan ja sanan dialektiikasta
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliKuvataiteilijan työ tarjoaa minulle tutkimuskentän, jolla näköilmiöitä voi testata käytännössä. Kuvia tekemällä yritän selvittää, miten näköaisti jäsentää elämismaailmaa ja miten kuvalliset esitykset rakentavat havaitsemaamme ... -
Historical materiality of performance : On the costumes of The Rite of Spring (1913)
(Intellect, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliBy focusing on surviving costumes of the 1913 production of The Rite of Spring, this article asks how a close examination of costumes and their role in historical performance practice can change our understanding of a ... -
How Do We Experience Digital Arts? An Exploration through Latour’s Modes of Existence
(MIT Press, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliAccording to Bruno Latour the technical, despite being everything, is mostly experienced through its failure. If we take him by his word, what is it then that we experience when we speak of “digital art”? How does this ... -
Huomioita hiekassa – maisema, esitys, liikkuva kuva ja liike kuvassa
Näyttämö & tutkimus : 3 (Teatterintutkimuksen seura, 2009)
kirjan osaTekstissä kirjoittaja pohtii liikettä ja liikkumattomuutta maiseman esityksellistämisen keinona liikkuvassa kuvassa, keskittyen kysymyksiin, jotka heräsivät kahta eri versiota videoteoksesta “Sitting in Sand – Istun ... -
Hybridi-intertekstuaalisuus käsitteellisenä lähtökohtana ja tuloksena musiikin esittäjän tutkimuspolusta: Neoklassisten piirteiden jäljittäminen Igor Stravinskyn teoksessa Piano-Rag-Music (1919)
(Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura, 2020)
lehtiartikkeli -
Identifying Beatles songs from their chord progressions : New evidence of the effect of specialized harmonic familiarity, melodic cues, and transposition on the identification of songs from chord progressions
(The Ohio State University, 2021)
kirjan osaListener and musical factors influence the identification of songs from chord progressions. Having played and being able to write out the chords of the target song from long-term memory (hereafter, specialized harmonic ... -
Identifying Songs from their Piano-Driven Opening Chords
(SAGE, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliIt is currently believed that timbre plays a primary role in the identification of songs from very brief excerpts of music. However, its specific contribution, and those of other characteristics of the music, remain unclear. ... -
Identiteettityöskentely aikuisbändissä : Myöhäisiän oppimisen kamppailu ja esiintymisen tarjoumat
(Kansanvalistusseura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliAikuisten bändisoiton harrastaminen on tullut osaksi suomalaista uudistuvaa musiikkikasvatusta vaihtoehtona perinteisemmille myöhäisiän harrastusmuodoille. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aikuisbänditoimintaan osallistumista ... -
Ihanasta metsästä äkäiseen mehiläisparveen : nykysoittotekniikoita sisältävän uuden pedagogisen musiikin säveltäminen
(Sibelius-Akatemia, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliArtikkelin tehtävänä on pohtia, kuinka nykysoittotekniikoilla ja niiden notaatiolla voi kommunikoida vasta-alkajien kanssa, joilla yleensä ei ole kokemusta nykysoittotekniikoiden ilmaisusta ja nuotinnuksesta. Sävelsin ... -
IIOO IS NOT HERE : Building and exhibiting media art installation with novel modular tangible programming interface
(ACM, 2023)
kirjan osaThe installation IIOO IS NOT HERE deals human-machine relations and interfaces. It takes a critical standpoint to subject-object relation and questions of control and elaborates N. Katherine Hayles’ concept of cognitive ... -
Imagining ends-not-yet-in-view: The ethics of assessment as valuation in Nepali music education
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
kirjan osaThe intensifying diversity and fast-paced social change characterizing contemporary societies requires music education policy and practice to contend with various and at times conflicting musical and cultural values and ... -
Imagining what it is like to be you : challenges of a hybrid community
lehtiartikkeliOver the past few years I as theatre practitioner and scholar have been developing the concept of a hybrid community of artistic expression (HCAE). This community includes people from different backgrounds who collectively ... -
Immersive Spatial Interactivity in Sonic Arts : The Acoustic Localization Positioning System
(MIT Press, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThe Acoustic Localization Positioning System is the outcome of several years of participatory development with musicians and artists having a stake in sonic arts, collaboratively aiming for nonobtrusive tracking and indoors ... -
In the Bogs of Joukahainen and Väinämöinen : The Alchemies of Peat from Sacred to Profane and Back
(Aalto University, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliPeat bogs play a special role in Finnish cultural history, climate policy, economic life, and art. This article examines the performative meaning-making of peat and aims to rewrite with and through art and cultural heritage ...