Viitteet 1-10 / 261
Sinfoninen puhallinorkesteri ja sille sävelletty eurooppalainen ohjelmisto
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Tämän taiteelliseen tohtorintutkintoon sisältyvän tutkielman aiheena on sinfonisen puhallinorkesterin historia, nykytilanne sekä ohjelmisto. Ohjelmiston kartoittamisen tuloksena olen koonnut liitteenä olevan teosluettelon ...
Katson, soitan, läpielän : pianistisia kokemuksia prima vista -soittamisesta
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The phenomenon of prima vista is studied as an empiricalphenomenological
question in a piano playing situation. Eight pianists' individual experiences in prima vista playing
are described in detail, in order to establish ...
Musiikkiterapiaprosessin merkittävät tekijät ja merkittävät hetket päihteettömän elämäntavan tukijoina
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This dissertation examines the meanings that alcohol addicted clients gave to the group music therapy process. One the one hand, it focuses on the meanings given to events inside the therapy process, and on the other, to ...
Music learning in Costa Rica : a postcolonial institutional ethnography
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The purpose of this sociological, music education ethnography was to analyze how music learning is organized in postcolonial Costa Rica, through the experiential stance of nine young music educators. In the ontology of ...
Musikerröster i Betsy Jolas musik : dialoger och spelerfarenheter i analys
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I den här avhandlingen gör jag "musikerns analys" (performer's analysis) av fyra av Betsy Jolas (1926–) soloverk: pianoverken Signets. Hommage à Ravel (1987) Mon ami. Ariette variée à chanter-jouer pour pianiste femme ou ...
Laulutaidottomasta kehittyväksi laulajaksi : tutkimus aikuisen laulutaidon lukoista ja niiden aukaisemisesta
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The purpose of this study research is to explain poor pitch singing as a phenomenon and figure out how an adult poor pitch singer learns to sing. Poor pitch singing is defined as an inability to sing in tune. The issue is ...
Maestro Francisco Correa de Arauxo's (1584-1654) Facultad orgánica as a Source of Performance Practice
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I regard Francisco Correa de Arauxo as the most important composer of organ music of seventeenth-century Spain. Besides having been renowned organist at the Sevillian Church of San Salvador, the Jaén Cathedral, and the ...
Moniääninen musiikinhistoria : heuristinen tutkimus musiikinhistorian opiskelusta ja opettamisesta
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Tutkimus käsittelee musiikinhistoriaa oppiaineena. Länsimaisen taidemusiikin historiasta on kirjoitettu yli kahden vuosisadan aikana lukuisia tutkimuksia ja yleisesityksiä, ja musiikinhistoriaa on tarkasteltu historian-, ...
Musiikkiesitykset ja juhlat koulun toimintakulttuurin rakentajina
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In this ethnographic case study, musical performances and school celebrations are considered as part of the operational culture and educational task of schooling. Through analysing the meanings and purposes connected to ...
Music psychotherapy with refugee survivors of torture : interpretations of three clinical case studies
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Sami Alanne. 2010. Music Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture. Interpretations of Three Clinical Case Studies. Sibelius Academy, Studia Musica 44. Music Education Department. Doctoral dissertation, 245 pages.
The ...